Tuesday, January 08, 2008



i still think many of our rush hour problems has to do with flexibility with working hours. i know that some civil service workplace has a flexi come in at 8 or 9 system. that is not flexi enough.

here in the US, flexi can mean coming in between 6 to 10! yes, that's very very flexi, i was amused and amazed. and guess what, they still have a great gridlock, but that is despite having a car to each worker, and also no such things as tax and ERP.

there are also many companies who implemented VPN so that you can work remotely and anywhere you want, or stay at home when there is an emergency.

singapore companies in their eagerness to cut cost ignore such investment and possibilities, and everybody just demands you to be here on time. but the sheer purpose? is it just to get things done or just to "show face" and be there?

i always wonder why being punctual is so important, just being physically there. it's like observing the rules is more important than "doing the job" or "get the job done".

the very problem with singapore, is with its inflexibility with anything. but that's because any rule is carried out judiciously, and the consequences of breaking them is very severe and real. because of that everybody has to be a sheep and abide it.

it's kinda sad that the golden solution now is money. we are a resource poor country, and we are taxing our infrastructure and social stability by importing workers and citizens. the negative externalities are all borne by the society, while the positive externalities (e.g. economic gain) are distributed among the privileged elite.

yes, capitalist introduced the class system. it can be seem so clearly everywhere now.
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